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The Hummer Mailing List FAQ
(answers to Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is a mailing list?

A: It is a list of e-mail addresses of those who are subscribed to the list. The list has an e-mail address of its own. Messages sent to the list are automatically sent out to each member of the list. Each member of the list will receive all messages sent to the list.

Q: Subscribe? Does it cost anything?

A: No. Perhaps "subscribe" is a poor word choice, but it's the one that is universally used to mean belonging to a mailing list. It's also used to refer to Usenet Newsgroups that one normally accesses. There is no cost or obligation in either case.

Q: How does the Hummer Mailing List work?

A: The Hummer Mailing List is automated. It uses a "robot" (or computer program) to automatically send out messages to the list, to subscribe and/or unsubscribe people and to perform other maintenance duties. In this case, the robot is known as "majordomo".

Q: What should I expect if I join the Hummer Mailing List?

A: It's a very active list. You can expect 40 to 70 or more messages per day, all of which pertain to Hummers in one way or another. There are many very knowledgeable people on the list, as well as many dealerships, so there will be a lot of useful information coming your way.

Q: Why can't I use an alias address when joining the Hummer Mailing List?

A: If you use an alias address, one which simply forwards mail to your actual e-mail address (perhaps using a service such as Netforward), it can cause problems for the list administrator. If there's ever a problem with your e-mail, the list administrator will be unable to track it down if a completely different address (an alias) appears on the list for you.

Q: Do I have to own a Hummer to join the list?

A: While the list was originally intended for Hummer owners to share technical information and for prospective owners to have their questions answered, Hummer enthusiasts are also welcome. The only requirement is the desire to know more about Hummers.

Q: What is a digest?

A: The robot saves up messages sent to the list and, when it reaches a specified file size, sends this compilation out as a "digest" to all who belong to the digest version of the list. The advantage of the digest version is that you will receive only one or two messages per day, making it easier to scan through the material, skipping messages that may not be of interest to you. The disadvantage is that you don't receive each message at the time it is distributed to the list. You may not get it (as part of a digest) until the next day.

Q: Can I belong to both the main and digest versions of the list?

A: Yes, but you'll receive even more mail as a result. Many people belong to both versions of the list. They receive each message in a timely manner and save the digests in order to maintain their own archive of the information generated by the list.

Q: What e-mail addresses do I need to know?

A: To send a message to the list (you must be a member to do so), send it to "".

To contact the list-owner (the list administrator), click here to send e-mail.

Q: Is there anything that I should not send to the mailing list?

A: Chain Letters, Spam, excessively long messages or totally irrelevant material will not be tolerated. Violaters may be removed from the list immediately or have posting privileges revoked.

Also, do not post messages or use sig files containing political, religious or advertising messages. Lengthy sig files are discouraged.

If you'd like to share a photo of your truck or other related material that is more than 10K in size, send it to the listowner for posting to the web site. Majordomo (the listserver robot) will automatically reject such material if it's sent to the mailing list.

Finally, do not send a message to the list asking to be unsubscribed from the list. Know how to unsubscribe yourself (see below).

Q: How do I remove myself (unsubscribe) from the Hummer Mailing List?

A: Go to the main page of the web site,

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Q: How do I join the Hummer Mailing List?

A:Click Here.

Q: Is there anything else I need to know?

A: Be sure to read the "welcome" message you'll receive upon joining the list. Keep it for future reference.