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Hamburg, Pennsylvania

January 18, 1997

The Pennsylvania Arctic Hummers (and still defrosting) met at their usual Hamburg site. Yes, temperatures were in the range of 5-30, but that did not deter the 15 Hummerites who appeared.

On arrival, Wendy's had 2 rows of Hummers, but as usual no one seemed to take notice (they are use to us now or don't care). The site had our welcome vehicle -- Hal's beautiful and clean M54 6-wheel drive.

When I arrived there was already a white wagon [Dave Spinoso] very stuck in the Hamburg gooo, which is a special composite mixture of anthracite, mud and ice. The more you spin the more you sink. There we were, grown up men spending about an hour trying different approaches to unstick the vehicle. We used Hummer-to-Hummer pulls, multiple pulls, winches with snatch blocks, combos etc. The snow and ice-covered ground was quite a problem. We finally decided on the brute force technique using Hal's M54.
